Attendance & Enrollment
Students need to be in class in order to learn. The entire education process requires a regular continuity of instruction, classroom participation, learning experiences, and study in order to reach the goal of maximum educational benefit for each individual student.
Any student who is absent from school will have to document the absence by one of the following:
· Have parents contact the school by 1:00 p.m. the day of the absence,
· Have a note from home PRIOR to missing school,
· Be pre-arranged between the parent and the classroom teacher and building Administrator
Except for school imposed and serious illness or
hospitalization absences, all absences WILL count toward the 10 day limit per semester. A parental meeting will be set up for any student with excessive absences.
Absences are expected to be explained as outlined below:
· Illness or hospitalization verified by written physician’s excuse. The school district reserves the right to require corroborative evidence when deemed necessary.
· Serious illness or emergency in the immediate family verified by a written parental excuse.
· Attendance at a funeral or death in the family verified by a written parental excuse.
· Religious instruction and/or obligations arranged and verified by a written parental excuse. The Michigan Compulsory School Law permits a student to be released from school for religious instruction for not more than two class hours per week, upon written request of the students’ parent/guardian before the student is released.
· Professional appointments which cannot be made after school (e.g., dentist, doctor, court appointments) verified by a written excuse.
· School excused absences, field trips or other activities that are required for class work to ream participation for which a student must miss regularly scheduled classes.
Parents are encouraged NOT to take their children out of school for vacations. When a family vacation must be scheduled during the school year, the parents should discuss the matter with the classroom teachers and building administrator to make necessary arrangements.
It may be possible for the student to receive certain assignments that are to be completed during the trip. It is up to the teacher to decide what assignments will be given, if any.
Every attempt should be made to have your child to school on time. If your child comes to school late, they must report to the office before entering the classroom. Students arriving on late buses will not be counted tardy.
If a pupil is ill or for any reason needs to leave class or school, he/she must obtain permission from the administrative office who will release the student into the hands of the parent, legal guardian or parent designee.
All visitors and parents are required to report to the office before proceeding to a classroom. If for any reason you need to see your child’s teacher, please arrange ahead of time for an appointment so that class instruction will not be interrupted. Students wishing to bring outside guests to school must be granted approval by the classroom teacher prior to the day of visitation.